Message From the Vice Chair of Research
Welcome and thank you for visiting our site. The mission of the Division of Research in the Department of Emergency Medicine is to conduct innovative and practice changing science while supporting and training a diverse group of clinician scientists dedicated to improving patient care. Our team has substantial expertise across a range of content areas that span the age spectrum and has been recognized at the national and international levels. Having been established in January 2018, our Research Division has rapidly developed into one of the leading federally funded academic Emergency Departments in the country (currently ranked 7th in the nation, in terms of NIH funding) with 8 active multi-million dollar Principal Investigator grants from the National Institutes of Health (e.g. R01s) leadership of the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) , a track record of mentored scholar training grants (e.g. K23, KL2), in addition to industry and foundation support.
Training and education of the current and next generation of research acute care providers is central to our mission, and we offer formal and informal research training programs for both faculty and fellows.
We thrive on nurturing collaborations within our division and institution as well as across institutions, and invite you to learn more about our division, our training programs and ongoing projects.
Bernard P. Chang MD PhD
Vice Chair of Research
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine